A2billing on asterisk@home
I finally make it..
Heres how i do:
Pentium III-800256mb Memory40 GB hdTDM400p digium card
>install asterisk@home 2.1>change security (root password, maint.....etc)
>change ip address
>yum -y update
>configure trunk with sip provider
>modify extensions_custom.conf with this settings
exten => s,1,Answer
exten => s,2,Wait,2
exten => s,3,DeadAGI,a2billing.php
exten => s,4,Wait,2
exten => s,5,Hangup
>modify zapata-auto.conf with this parameters
channel => 1 (up to 4)
>read conversation and look for the following:
>cd /usr/src/a2billing/A2Billing_AGI
>cp -r libs_a2billing /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin
>cd /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin
>chown asterisk:asterisk libs_a2billing514
>configure the a2billing system(trunk,groups) andcreate pins for testing.
>insert local extensions or local POTS in tdm400 card
>call extension and will prompt the pin and dial thedestination.
thats it...